تعابير لغة انجليزية مع المخطط الصف الثامن الفصل الثاني اعداد محمد الموزيني


أعزاءنا زوار الموقع الكرام 😍 تعابير لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن – الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2018-2019

الصف :- الثامن

الفصل الدراسي :- الثاني

المادة :- اللغة الانجليزية

اعداد محمد الموزيني


مقتطفات 💡


Keeping fit is very important for a healthy lifestyle but it is not that easy to achieve it.
Plan and Write a report of two paragraphs ( 10 ) sentences about the importance of
leading a healthy lifestyle and how people can achieve it.
* Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.

Write your plan here

A healthy life style

A sound mind is in a sound body. It is very important to have a healthy
life style. When you are fit, studying becomes easier. You will have a strong
body. You can do tasks easily.

There are many ways to achieve the healthy life style. It is important
to have routine of training. You should have a good exercise session. Eating
healthy food and having enough sleep help to keep fit. Finally, a balanced diet
and daily exercise will help you to keep fit and healthy.

A sound mind
A healthy lifestyle

Studying easily

A routine for training
An exercise session
Healthy food

Do tasks better
Why it is important How to achieve it

A Strong body Enough sleep
A Balanced diet

Healthy lifestyle

Prepared by: Mr Mohamed Almuzaini


“The physically challenged can do miracles inspite of their disabilities.”
Plan and write a composition of two paragraphs (not less than 10 sentences) about
“The disabled” explaining the challenges that they may face and how we can help them.
*Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.

Write your plan here