مواضيع لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن
أعزاءنا زوار الموقع الكرام 😍 مواضيع لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن – الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2018-2019
الصف :- الثامن
الفصل الدراسي :- الثاني
المادة :- اللغة الانجليزية
مواضيع لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن
مقتطفات 💡
Nowadays, communication is very easy People communicate in different ways mobile phones to call other people. They help people to send and receive’ lbey use messages. People also use the radio, television and computers for communication. !they get a lot of information from the Internet. People use satellites to communicate across the globe. Communication is improving all the time. a In the future, communication will be diff eren. It will be easier than nowadays. people will use creative gadgets for communication. Wearable technology will be everywhere. It will change your skin into a touch screen. People will use smart newspapers connected to the Internet. People will watch movies or read through special lenses with 3 tiny lasers and a micromirror. Communication in the future will be amazing
Ways of sending messages in the past were different from ways of sending messages now There were simple ways of sending messages in the past People used fires to send messages They used to send messages with messengers people also sent messages by post and telegram. Sending messages was not fast Nowadays, people use modern inventions to send messages They use mobile phones to send messages People also send e-mails on the Internet They can talk face to face online Sending messages has become easier. It is clear that ways of sending messages have changed
Modern inventions hove changed modern life dramatically They are very important. People use them in their daily life. Modern inventions save efforts. They help people do their tasks very quickly. With modern inventions life is comfortable Modern inventions ore everywhere People need light bulbs to light their homes, streets and shops. They drive cars to move from one place to another They travel by planes. People use the Internet to chat and have fun People use the A/C on hot days. In my opinion, without modern inventions. life would be impossible_