مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي

مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي , مذكرات ومراجعات لغة إنجليزية من إعداد الأستاذ هشام السخاوي , وهذه المراجعة مساعدة لطلاب الصف العاشر الفصل الدراسي الاول مناهج الكويت.


معلومات عن الملف مراجعات انجليزي:

  • نوع الملف : مراجعة انجليزي صف عاشر فصل أول
  • المادة : لغة إنجليزية
  • الصف : للصف العاشر
  • الفصل : الفصل الدراسي الأول
  • إعداد: هشام السخاوي
  • العام الدراسي 2018-2019
  • صيغة الملف pdf بي دي اف

طلاب الصف العاشر تصفحوا هذه الملفات:

محتويات من مراجعة انجليزي صف عاشر فصل أول:

Reading Comprehension – A. Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:

1- The Paralympic Games, took place shortly after World War II, when injured servicemen and women returned to Britain. In 1948, while the Olympics kicked off in London, 16 wheelchair-bound British vets competed in an archery competition (a Shooting with a bow and arrows) especially at a target as a sport. It wasn’t until 1960 that the competition was first recognized “The Paralympic Games. The word “Paralympic itself derives from Greek, with “para” meaning “beside” or “alongside”, signifying that the Paralympics occur side-by-side with the Olympic Games. However, it wasn’t until the 1988 summer games in Seoul, Korea that the Paralympics actually began to occur in the same cities as the Olympics

هذا مقتطف من مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي موقع مدرستي الكويتية

2. The Paralympics include athletes with a variety of disabilities, arranged into ten broad categories. Eight of these categories represent various physical disabilities, while the remaining two represent visual conditions. Athletes are ranked and grouped based on their disabilities to help ensure a level playing field for the various competitions

هذا مقتطف من مراجعة انجليزي صف عاشر فصل أول موقع مدرستي الكويتية

3- Para-athletes in wheelchairs playing sports such as Wheelchair Basketball prove that heir wheelchairs are not difficulties, but rather powerful extensions of their own bodies that allow them to do great things. Blind athletes in Goalball successfully defend their goals against a ball that they cannot see, only hear. If you think volleyball is hard, try playing it while sitting on the floor and without using your legs, and you’ll have a whole new appreciation for the level of athleticism in these para-athletes

هذا مقتطف من مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي موقع مدرستي الكويتية

4. There is no pity. There is no shame. There is only the result of years’ worth of practice and training in an impressive display of skill. While discrimination is still unfortunately alive and real, these “games” have a massive and positive influence on all of those who view them. For a recent disabled, the games represent that the disability is the start of something great, not the end. For the young child bom disabled the games represent hope. For anybody who feels “different”, the games celebrate the beauty in these differences

هذا مقتطف من مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي موقع مدرستي الكويتية

5. All in all, it is now clear that those with intellectual impairments are highly capable individuals who can accomplish great things, and are most certainly employable. Most importantly, all people are human and should be treated as such. Paralympians are not disabled – they are the super-humans.

مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي

المزيد من محتويات مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي

Summary Making – Read the following passage, then do as required:

The ability to learn from and relate respectfully to people of your own culture as well as others’ is known as “cultural responsivity.” Being culturally responsive requires openness to the viewpoints, thoughts, and experiences of others. To respect and accept people with different creeds and cultures, you need to develop cultural selfawareness. Understanding your own cultural makeup is the first step to understanding that others hold different values and beliefs and believe in them as much as you believe in yours. In addition, we can learn to appreciate and value diverse views.

هذا مقتطف من مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي موقع مدرستي الكويتية

Do not judge views that differ from yours as wrong. Instead, just accept that they are different and even try to understand other points of view. We should avoid imposing our own values, as well. It is important to resist the urge to judge. Instead, make a conscious effort to understand the other perspective. Finally, it is much better to learn as much as we can. Reading about or talking to members of another culture or visiting a friend’s cultural celebration is a great way to increase your knowledge and overall acceptance.

In FOUR sentences, summarize and paraphrase the previous passage in an answer to the following question:
How can we be culturally Responsive?

مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي

لتحميل ملف مراجعات انجليزي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول اعداد هشام السخاوي قم باتباع هذه الخطوات:

  • اضغط على عبارة “تحميل الملف”.
  • ستنتقل الي صفحة الملف على سحابة Google Drive تلقائيا.
  • تصفح الملف أو قم بتحميله من خلال النقر على رمز التحميل اعلى الصفحة.
  • عند تنزيل الملف يتم تشغيله من خلال برنامج قارئ بي دي إف.
  • دعمكم لنا من خلال مشاركة رابط المقال ووضع التعليقات التحفيزية يكون دافعا لنشر المزيد من ملفات تعليم الكويت.

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